Effective classroom management

There’s so much new that’s come to the field of education in recent years, including classroom management strategies. Given the new generations’ melding in the classroom and new behavioral challenges and technologies to contend with, management strategies are necessary. Here are a few you can apply in today’s classroom:

Show enthusiasm

Attitude is contagious, so demonstrate what you want your students to have in your classroom. Your energy is an example that will keep students interested and eager to participate in whatever your lesson is for the day.

Do your homework

Be prepared for each day. Taking the time to prep helps you focus in class, convey confidence, and have command of the classroom instead of appearing distracted and disorganized.

Encourage collaboration

Connecting with their fellow students is instrumental to their development in many ways. Positive relationships will create a more positive learning environment. Encouraging collaboration also takes a bit of pressure off you and can include the use of technology for continued collaboration outside of the classroom.

Incorporate laughter

Stress reduces the brain’s ability to learn, so encouraging a little laughter helps as part of your classroom management strategy, if even for a moment. Take turns telling (appropriate) jokes at the start of each lesson, or teach students how to belly laugh. Even if manufactured at first, they’ll soon be giggling for real.

Make them disconnect

While technology can be a positive element when teaching, even the most interesting lessons can be derailed if your students are only engaged with their own devices. Create a no-tech zone by telling your students to turn off their cells and tablets during class or pass a basket to collect everyone’s devices when they enter the classroom.

Whatever you do must work for you and your management style to be most effective.